Saturday, June 28, 2008

E-Currency (Electronic Money)

Hi there, first and foremost, before we begin on this topic, there obviously will be some question marks on top of your heads.

What in the world are E-Currency??

Fret no more, Shu is here to ward off the question marks! =D

Well, let's begin by saying that E-Currency is simply another type of money that is only transacted online. And one of the most common forms of E-Currency that is widely seen all over the net is

How does it work?
Well, it is pretty simple (In the case of PayPal):

purchase e-Currency from PayPal by paying them through Credit Card.
The Bank transfers your money to PayPal.
PayPal gives you back the equivalent of your money, and you now possess e-Money,
purchase another item online and pay the seller via PayPal
The Seller is then able to retrieve his money via PayPal

Wait, Do you mean PayPal is giving free services? - NO, no and NO!
Like all banks, for EACH transaction you make, PayPal charges a processing fee. This fee applies to other e-Currencies as well, although some may not charge for it. (e.g. US Military e-Currency: Eagle Cash)

Further examples of e-Currencies
e-Gold, c-Gold, e-Bullion, Liberty Reserve, WebMoney, etc.

General characteristics of E-Currencies
E-Currencies can be divided into 2 types and 2 variaties, the 2 types being "Identified" and "Anonymous" e-Money. And the 2 variaties being "Online" and "Offline" e-Money.

1) What are "Identified" and "Anonymous" e-Money?

If the issuers have codes encrypted into the e-Money they issue, then the money is classified as Identified. Vice versa, if the money is not encrypted with a code. Then it is Anonymous. The reason being that, with encryption of a code, the e-Money works like Credit Cards where it can be tracked as it moves along the economy. However with Anonymous e-Money, the money is just like real cash and cannot be precisely tracked about.

What are the "Online" and "Offline" variaties?

If a particular e-Money requires the owner to be online via the net to transact, it is then known as "Online" e-Money, while for "Offline" e-Money, the user does not have to be online.

So basically, we can divide e-Currencies into 2 types and 2 varieties. Namely: Identified Online e-Money, Identified Offline e-Money, Anonymous Online e-Money and Anonymous Offline e-Money. Offline anonymous e-money (true digital cash) is the most complex form of e-money.

However, as good E-Currency maybe, it does have it's drawbacks.

One major drawback is the double-spending problem. As we have said above, Offline anonymous e-Money is the most complex form of e-Money because the design allows certain people to exploit it and gain double spending.

What is double spending?
To clarify, double spending occurs due to the fact that e-Money are only Bits of Information and are easily duplicated. Therefore, 1 person could duplicate the same data twice and use it at 2 merchants to purchase 2 separate items.

This exploit is very obvious usually in offline transactions because the transaction is processed later. Double spending is usually preventable in online transactions because the bank requires the merchant to send the e-Money to check whether it has been spent, or not. If it already has been spent, the merchant will be instructed to refuse the sale, preventing the possiblility of double spending.

However, with technological advances, banks are now very capable of preventing double spending even in Anonymous offline e-Money. Observer chips are now additions to a user's e-Money and will help detect double spending. Furthermore, with implementation of Observer chips, it is speculated that users will not attempt to double spend for their identity is no longer anonymous.

With the information above, I hope you would be able to gain valuable insights about e-Money and e-Currencies.

See yaz..Till the next post!
Shu, signing off! =D


*By Shu*


Uniteam X - No limits said...

Nice post! - Very informative regarding online, offline e-Currencies..

Thumbs up! =)
Keep up the good work and keep the entries coming!

Kelvin Tee - 2 said...

I notice a difference in writing style compared to the last two entries.. I would say that i loved this better.. More interesting and relaxed to read...

However, there is less graphics. More words than pix leh...

Hope you could keep the good ones. =)
Good luck in nest entry~!

Trance Boundaries said...

Thanks uniteam x...appreciate the nice compliments~
Hope our E-Commerce blog keep you enjoyed~!

Trance Boundaries said...

Thanks too to Kelvin tee -2...Great that you like this style, at least someone appreaciate~! =)

Ya...lesser graphics coz i couldn't any suitable ones...Well, i'll keep it up~!

Thanks again~!

Unknown said...

Actually i never buy anything online before,so my knowledge on this particular topic could be quite limited. And after reading your post, Shu, I'm still wondering how to transact via the net.And partly i think buying stuff online is not so secure.

Gotta do some research on it i think.Thanks for the info, it'll be very helpful to me.

Desmond said...

who will be controlling the e-currency? will it become some kind of "USD", "€" "RM"??? who will be determine the price of e-currency? if any of the country control it, the country maybe very rich in IT edge.